05-22-2003, 12:51 PM
I guess we have all frowned at the past rumours and announcements concerning live action versions of animes like Dragonball Z...
Okay, now a well-known other title has been mentioned: Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Lookit news:

I guess this is a bit of news that could... or should be discussed. After all, we�re talking about this weird mix of mecha action and psycho-stuff that is Evangelion, about a series that has very devoted fans who would really hate to see their favourite series messed up...
Any reactions? Like, how on earth are they supposed to become actors that look liek the characters? How on earth are they going to fit the plot into a 2-hour movie?

Green Arrow
05-22-2003, 01:38 PM
I agree, how the hell can you make a 2 hour movie out of these series, specially DBZ, they take 6 episodes to have 1 conversation. Eva is way too complex for a movie I would feel, with the mecha's and like you said, crazy shit that goes on in it.

Bad idea?

05-22-2003, 04:27 PM
That's bad.... (NGE) How on earth can they make it good x.x and the actor dilemma, let alone certain events in Eva


05-24-2003, 01:18 AM
Ouch, bad idea. Also they need to quit with this nonesense. Anime is anime, it's just not the same in movies. If people want live action, they can go watch the matrix or something...

05-26-2003, 03:58 PM
:D Imagine a dragonball movie thats like matrix i could be quite good but i still think that it should stay as anime :p

Darth Revan
05-28-2003, 05:28 PM

All I have to say here is this : Anyone remember the live action versions of Crying Freeman and Fist of the North Star? Look at how terrible they were. Live action versions of any anime, regardless of what anime it's based on, would destroy not only the box office, but also the anime and manga itself.

Live action version of anime = Bad, bad, bad idea, yes?

05-29-2003, 07:37 PM
I guess the dollar signs the studios are seeing in their eyes are blinding them to the technical difficulties and stupidity of doing live action versions of successful anime. Sure, some may be possible, but when you're talking about animated series that are really meant for a Japanese audience, once they alter the Japanese cultural references, it ends up something totally different.

A case in point - the upcoming US live-action movie of Akira - I mean, it's actually being sent in the present day, in the US!! Not in a rebuilt Japan in 2019!! What the hell???!!! I mean, what's the point of even calling it Akira when if it's not set in Japan???

Even worse, my current favourite anime and manga, Ah! Megami-sama, better known as Oh, My Goddess! is even rumoured to be getting a US live-action adaption!

ARRRGGHHH!!! It's all over! There is no more hope!!!

05-30-2003, 10:26 AM
Doncha worry, Enkidoh, bad movie versions of successful stories formerly available as other media will be ignored and therefore forgotten by the fans as well as by the rest of the world.
Highlander fans have learned to ignore/forget that there are actually four movies. Wing Commander fans were not happy about the movie, but it did not destroy their lives, afterall they don�t have to buy it and when their eyes meet the movie�s DVD ina shop, they can look away. o_o
It�s not the end of the world.
Or how many times did the anime based on a very good manga not do justice to the original story?
You learn to get over it.

Besides, it�s a bit too... stressing to start complaining now. I will start making fun and criticizing when it�s clear it will be crap. And then we will have a lot of fun, I bet. =P

05-31-2003, 12:38 PM
btw i wouldnt mind a DragonballZ movie

its still bad bad bad

06-07-2003, 11:27 PM
That's gotta suck big time. I own some Eva episodes and am a bit of a fan, but how the hell are they supposed to make a live action version with all the confusing shit that goes on...?It's clear that it will cost a lot of money, and if everyone here is against it, then how are they going to make a profit if nobody likes it? It's a very stupid idea, and as it was said before: anime should stay as anime.:D :notgood:

06-10-2003, 11:41 AM
I�ve come across this bit here ( on ( .
It does not look bad, and it does not look cheap, in my eyes at least.
Og course pretty pictures is no guarantee that the script will manage to get the story, the message or the characters across, but it looks like it could be worse in any case.

I better not mention the upcoming live action Sailor Moon that�s being produced in Japan, huh? :rolleyes:

David F
06-11-2003, 08:45 PM
Hell I�ll just give em props if they actually try to make it but I doubt it�ll ever make it past pre production stage. I mean lets not forget about the Utena movie wooo man that was hell.

06-18-2003, 07:30 PM
I have doubts that any of them will be, well, good. They'll probably be stand alone plots anyways, really bad ones. And then, if they get some limited release over here, they'll change all the characters names to things like 'Max Power' etc. And the plot will be changed too, so what was a bad movie, will become damned unwatchable. Maybe something like the Digimon cartoon seris (which I like o_O) you know, lots of babble just to make them say something when their mouths are moving. And they'll save the world from terrorists.

Or it mightnt be. But it's always best to look at things in a negative light, that way any plus points will be a pleasant surprise. ;)